
Young mum Michelle had to overcome significant challenges to become the mother she wanted to be for her children Jermaine (11), Wilson (5), Hemi (2) and Riki (4 months). Describing her life as “a struggle,” she had little support from whānau except her mum, Jill.

“Things weren’t changing and they needed to. I was suffering from depression, I was stuck and didn’t know what to do.”

Michelle referred herself to Family Success Matters, where she met family wellbeing navigator Maria Cassidy who has supported her since. “I felt a connection to Maria. She has a great wairua. She never judges and she has become whānau.”

Michelle decided to enrol in Incredible Years and says that was “the best move I have made.” The course helped Michelle find way to connect to her kids. She found the video resources useful for learning valuable parenting techniques on how to praise, discipline, and provide structure within a daily routine.

Michelle learned that playing with her children builds closeness through fun activities. “I learned how to be a kid again and to get into their mind space.” She gained confidence to parent without relying so much on her mother. Another success for the family was being granted a state house where they finally had a place to call home.


“Incredible Years changed my life. Prior to the course I felt isolated, but I met other parents who were in the same position as me.”

She wholeheartedly recommends the programme to other struggling families.

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Click here to learn more about the Incredible Years programme, and how we can help out your family, too.

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